These terms and conditions of use (“Terms”), and the provisions of the schedule (“Schedule”), in relation withthe use of the prepaid Card issued by Transact Payments Malta Limited (collectively the “Agreement”)constitute a binding agreement between You and Transact Payments Malta Limited.
These Terms govern the use of your Card when used as a virtual Card or when used, where applicable andpermitted, via Mobile Payments. Your Device provider, your Wireless Carrier, and other third-party services orwebsites incorporated into the Mobile Payments Service may have their own terms and conditions and privacypolicies (“Third Party Agreements”). You are also subject to those Third-Party Agreements when you givethem your personal information, use their services or visit their respective websites.
"You" and "Your" means the "Contract Holder" of the Card and as applicable, the Card User on the ContractHolder’s behalf. "We", "Our" or “Us” means Transact Payments Malta Limited, a company incorporated inMalta with registered address Vault 14, Level 2, Valletta Waterfront, Floriana FRN 1914 and companyregistration number 91879 and authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority as an electronic moneyinstitution (“TPML”) or Astat on Our behalf.
You will be asked to confirm Your acceptance of this Agreement when You apply for Cards via the CorporateAccount Platform. If You refuse to accept this Agreement then We will not be able to complete Your order forCards. The Agreement will be governed by the Terms and Schedule in force as displayed on the Astat Appand the Corporate Account Platform.
Please read the Terms and Schedule carefully and retain a copy for future reference.
Account means the electronic money account associated with the Card.
Applicable Law means any applicable law (including but not limited to, any local law of the jurisdictions intowhich the Card is provided and the Program is operated), statute, statutory instrument, act, regulation, rule,order, supervisory guidance, policy, instruction or requirement stipulated by an applicable RegulatoryAuthority, or interpretation promulgated or published by any Regulatory Authority, any order issued by a courthaving jurisdiction over a party, or any applicable rule or requirement of any Card Scheme related to theissuance, sale, authorisation or usage of the Card and/or services to be provided under this Agreement orsuch other rule as deemed valid by TPML from time to time.
Astat means Astat AS, incorporated and registered in Norway with company registration number 925 895 431and registered office at Kirkegata 8, 3016 Drammen, Norway, as per clause 18.2, the administrative andtechnical manager of the Card and in particular in charge of Customer Services.
Astat App means the mobile and web applications indicated in the Schedule, where Card Users may performcertain operations in relation to their Card such as activation, viewing Transactions, viewing the balance,blocking and unblocking and raising queries with Customer Services in relation to use of ****the Card or theavailable funds. Use of the App is regulated by the Astat Terms of Service.
Astat Terms of Service means the agreement entered into between you and Astat which governs use of the Astat Corporate Account Platform and the Astat App.
Business Day means Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm CET, excluding bank, national and public holidays in Malta.
Card means each reloadable virtual prepaid card, as set out in the Schedule, issued to You by Us pursuant tolicence by the Card Scheme, loaded in the Denominated Currency. References to the Card include all Carddetails, Security Details and PINs. Virtual reloadable prepaid cards shall not contain PINs.
Card Scheme has the meaning defined in the Schedule.
Card Services means any services provided by Us or Our third-party service providers in connection with a Card.