14/02/2022 - Release 2.54

This time around we have some new additions to our app! We have freshened up the home page, and have including a roadmap for where Astat is going, and what the app will contain in the future! We've also added an overview of our release notes, so you can keep track of what new content has been cooked up for the different versions of the app and when.

Both release notes and the roadmap can be found on the settings page.

14/02/2022 - Release 2.53

Some small bugfixes today. Stay tuned for new features!

11/02/2022 - Release 2.51

Some small bugfixes today. Stay tuned for new features!

10/02/2022 - Release 2.50

We've gone ahead and freshened up our expense reports to provide you with even more detail and control over your finances! This release also includes a bugfix for the missing receipts functionality.

7/02/2022 - Release 2.49

We have a small hotfix today. Stay tuned for new features!

4/02/2022 - Release 2.48

Yet another bug smashed!

28/01/2022 - Release 2.47